Teen finds permanent home with family

The situation

A Kinnect to Family Specialist was diligently working to move a teenage youth from foster care back to their family. The young person had experienced multiple moves between different placements, making it challenging to find a permanent home.

The facilitation

The KTF Specialist organized a barrier meeting with ten family members who knew and loved the young person. By the end of the meeting, four families expressed interest in having the young person come live with them.

The outcome

The young person finally had the opportunity to leave foster care, thanks to the combined efforts of the KTF Specialist and the young person’s case worker. They worked together to ensure that the chosen relative had everything needed to welcome the young person home. This collaborative effort resulted in the teenager being successfully reunified with their family, providing them with the stability and support they needed.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.