Kinnect is an Ohio-based nonprofit dedicated to ensuring permanent families for all children in the shortest time possible and connecting those families with individualized support to meet their unique needs. We do this through two program areas.
Kinnect to Family programs focus on urgent family search and engagement to identify affirming caregivers for young people and put youth at the center of achieving permanent family.
OhioKAN programs focus on connecting those families and youth with services and resources to meet their needs.

Our Approach
We collaborate with public and private partners to implement every program in alignment with the principles of implementation science:
- Assessment: We work with agency leadership to determine current permanency practice in the organization. Our approach is designed to capture staff attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Then, the next step is determining alignment with agency's mission, vision, and culture.
- Teaming: We take both a top-down and bottom-up approach. Starting with the leadership team, we work to develop a collective vision upon which the to build permanency practice. Next, the leadership team is joined by staff and supervisors to create a group of champions to lead the change.
- Design: We facilitate the design of services to increase the permanency outcomes by building on assessment data and agency strengths. We incorporate existing agency initiatives with innovative permanency practices.
- Implementation: Moving from design to implementation requires the creation of agency-specific materials and fidelity measures. Everyone at the agency must have a common framework for the new practice model. We help through initial education and communication. After that, we also provide ongoing guidance and coaching.
- Evaluation and Support: We conduct evaluation throughout the implementation process to provide support and feedback. We look at both qualitative and quantitative factors to see what is working. In addition, we evaluate both anticipated and unanticipated barriers and help to implement the recommended changes.