7 children placed with family within 3 weeks

The situation
Our Kinnect to Family (KTF) Specialist recently received a referral involving seven children. The Public Child Welfare Agency aimed to place these siblings with relatives to maintain their familial bonds.

The facilitation
With urgency and care, our KTF Specialist worked to identify and contact multiple family members. Through home assessments and dedicated efforts, our KTF Specialist successfully placed all seven children with their relatives within a three-week timeframe.

The outcome
The commitment of the family members was remarkable; they not only welcomed the children into their homes but also agreed to maintain regular contact to nurture and preserve the sibling’s relationships. Had it not been for the timely and dedicated intervention of our KTF Specialist, these children would have faced the heart-wrenching prospect of being separated and placed into different foster homes. We commend our KTF Specialists for their exceptional work in keeping children connected with their families and ensuring they remain with their kin during times of need.

*Names and identifying information have been changed for purposes of confidentiality.